Sixth Annual Workshop of the 10+10 Alliance

"Carbon Nanotubes, Fullerenes, and Device Molecules and their Applications"

April collaborators and invited speakers of universities tied to P. R. China and to the United States will gather to further exchange ideas.



Prof. Alan Balch, UC Davis Prof. Zuqiang Bian, PKU
Prof. Louise Berben, UC Davis Prof. Xuefeng Guo, PKU
Prof. Ting Guo, UC Davis Prof. Yan Li, PKU
Prof. Kirill Kovnir, UC Davis Prof. Liangbing Gan, PKU
Prof. Marilyn Olmstead Prof. Jian Pei, PKU
Prof. Justin Siegel Prof. Zujin Shi, PKU
Prof. Dong Yu Prof. Bing Wu Wang, PKU
  Prof. Chun-Hua Yan, PKU